Professional measurement data analysis software, ProfiSignal Basic from Delphin Technology.
ProfiSignal is a complete software system for data acquisition, analysis, visualisation and automation. The software is also very user-friendly and combines professional functionality with easy operation. ProfiSignal provides a clear and logical overview of all measurement systems: whether for single or multi-thousand channel applications. For new users, ProfiSignal is quick to learn. ProfiSignal is modular, scalable and available in three versions; each version has backward compatibility for operability, data files and application projects:
ProfiSignal Go
A runtime system enabling measurement data to be displayed and analysed in just three steps. The GO version is able to analyse large volumes of offline and online data.
- Data acquisition and recording
- Data analysis and calculations
- Online and offline trends
- Data export and print outs
ProfiSignal Basic
Like ProfiSignal Klicks, is a developmental system for generating custom systems with visualization and trend functions
- Operation and observation
- Process visualization
- Report generation
ProfiSignal Klicks
A software for test automation and the programming of control systems
- Automating test stands and process control systems
- Automating evaluation and analysis functions
- Generating parameter graphs
- Selective frequency band evaluation
ProfiSignal Basic
ProfiSignal Basic is a complete software package to meet user requirements in the fields of measurement data acquisition, operation and monitoring. Basic provides ready to use modules for:
- Acquiring measurement data
- Monitoring processes
- Operating and observing test stands
- Generating reports
- Basic automation
ProfiSignal Basic is designed to be fully configurable and compatible for continuous processes (e.g. operational data acquisition) as well as batch processes (e.g. data from experiments and trials). Basic includes basic automation functions for measurement procedures. Basic includes every function from ProfiSignal Go.
Operation and monitoring
A large range of operation and observation objects enable the simple generation of process visualization diagrams. These are available with analysis functions. Operating and monitoring functions can be organized into viewing images. Even inexperienced users are able to quickly generate their own applications. These are generated in development mode and can then be switched for operation to runtime mode.
Continuous evaluation
The integrated DataService, especially suitable for large amounts of data, enables historical data to be immediately displayed on the screen at high-level resolution. Evaluation can take place from the company network or from anywhere in the world. Measurement data can also be stored over extremely long periods of time. For vibration analysis or for the evaluation of transient events, data can easily be acquired and stored at kHz-sampling-levels. Recorders allow data acquired for specific tasks to be stored in separate files on the PC.
Product features
- Runs multiple applications simultaneously
- Diverse operating and observation functions
- Monitoring and analysis of any measurement data
- Recording data from experiments to separate files
- Permanent data storage to databases
- Portrayal of online and offline data in trends
- Basic functions for automation
- Formula editor
- ASCII data export in CSV files
- Custom-made reports
- Offline calculation functions
- Statistical evaluation
- Analysis with cursor functions to µsec resolution
- Recording of diagram configurations
- Evaluation of digital signalling processes
- Alarm functions for digital events
- Email or fax notification in alarm event
Various Applications from ProfiSignal Basic
- Mobile and fixed data acquisition
- Laboratory data acquisition
- Test stand measurement technology
- Clean room monitoring
- Visualization of operational data
- Process data acquisition and analysis
- Experiments and tests
- Machine visualization
Measurement data analysis
A range of diagrams are also available for measurement data analysis. Y(t) diagrams enable high resolution portrayal of continuous processes over long time periods. This is particularly beneficial for quality assurance and fault diagnostic systems. Both slow and fast signals can be combined in one graph. A formula manager enables online and offline computations of measurement data as well as the recording and portrayal of computed results. Complex efficiency computations as well as basic temperature averages are simple to perform.
Reports and protocols
As well as measurement data and computed data, a report may also contain objects such as y(t) diagram (trends), y(x) diagram (characteristic curves), tables, illustrations, input data and text. Reports can be generated and archived automatically according to time or events. This is an ideal tool for quality assurance, quality certification and accounting purposes.
Measurement Database Included
Measurement hardware configuration takes place with the DataService / Configurator software included in ProfiSignal. The software configures hardware and software interfaces and records data securely and permanently.
The DataService saves measurement data to a database. Any ProfiSignal version on the network can then access these databases and immediately display their data as trends.
- Configures hardware
- Records data to data files
- Records data to databases
- Calculation functions
- Monitoring functions
- Event Alarms (e-mail, text message, fax)
- User management and password protection systems
- Standard software interfaces (OPC, Modbus,…)
- Customized software interfaces (OCX, .NET,…)