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DI-4108-M and DI-4208-M Rugged High-Speed USB/Ethernet Data Loggers

High-Speed USB and Ethernet Data Loggers DI-4108-M & DI-4208-M from DATAQ.
Expandable to 128 chs, 16-bit resolution, 160,000 S/s throughput.


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High-Speed USB and Ethernet Data Loggers, DI-4108-M and DI-4208-M from DATAQ Instruments.

DI-4108-M Programmable ranges: ±200, ±500 mV, ±1, ±2, ±5, ±10 V full scale
DI-4208-M Programmable ranges: ±2, ±5, ±10, ±20, ±50, ±100 V full scale

Product Features

  • 8 Analogue Input Channels
    Measure as many as eight system variables at once with programmable ranges per channel 

  • Differential Analogue Input Configuration
    Enhanced noise immunity and tolerance of common mode voltages.

  • 12- to 16-bit Measurement Resolution

  • Armored Inputs Absorb Mistakes
    Both Analogue and digital inputs are protected

  • Fast 160 kHz Sample Throughput Rate

  • Stand-alone Data Logger Operation
    Store data to flash drives at throughput rates up to 160kHz (requires AC power supply).

  • 15V Excitation
    DI-4108M provides 15V excitation to power sensors.

  • Pre/Post Tigger Storage to USB Memory
    Set trigger levels to record up to 2G (combined) of pre- and post-trigger data (total file size of 4G)

  • Auto Re-Trigger
    When using Triggered Storage, triggers can automatically reset, creating a new file with pre and post-trigger data each time the trigger level is breached.

  • Industrial Oriented
    DI-4108M comes with easy signal swapping connectors, stackable rugged enclosure and ground lug to provide better EMC immunity in harsh environment.

  • Supports ChannelStretch™ Channel Expansion*
    Connect as many as sixteen DI-4108s , DI-4208s, DI-4718Bs, and/ or DI-4730s to one PC. Synchronously acquire from as many as 128 and 112 Analogue and digital channels respectively.

  • Seven Digital Input Ports*
    Folds discrete I/O into the measurement process. Each bit is programmable as an input or as a switch and protected to 0-25 V dc.

  • Asynchronous Digital Switches
    Control external processes seamlessly while acquiring data.

  • Counter Channel
    Tallies the number of pulses applied. Useful for integrating rate information, like flow rate to volume, or simply the number of definable events.

  • Rate Measurement Channel
    Measures pulse rate where frequency carries information. For example: rpm or flow measurements.

  • Optional Power over Ethernet (PoE)
    The optional Power over Ethernet feature allows you to both communicate with and power the DI-4108 via the Ethernet connector, sparing the inconvenience and expense of running power to the unit.

  • Ready-to-run Software Support*
    Provided with ready-to-run WinDaq software for point-and-click DAQ performance with a real-time display, disk-streaming recording, and playback and analysis.


* WinDaq/Unlock required per device to use ChannelStretch™ and to record more than four total channels when using WinDaq software.


Need trigger modes or to stream to Excel directly? Please consider ExcelLink

Analogue Inputs
Number of Channels: 8 (Unlock code required to record more than 4 channels with WinDaq)
Configuration: Differential
Full Scale Range: DI-4108-M: ±200, ±500 mV, ±1, ±2, ±5, ±10 V
DI-4208-M: ±2, 5, 10, 20, 50 100 V
Input impedance: DI-4108-M: 100 kΩ
DI-4208-M: 795 kΩ
Absolute accuracy: 0.25% of full scale range @ 25°C, excluding common mode error
Absolute maximum input without damage: DI-4108-M: 100 V rms (normal mode + common mode)
DI-4208-M: 120 V rms (normal mode + common mode)
Common mode range: ±10 V dc or peak ac
Common mode rejection ratio: 50 dB (dc - 60 Hz)
Channel-to-channel crosstalk rejection: -80 dB
Digital Ports
Number of ports: 7
Type: MOSFET switch
Configuration: Programmable as digital input or switch
Threshold Levels TTL compatible
Absolute maximum applied voltage (V): 25 V dc
Reserved Digital Inputs
Port 1: WINDAQ remote events
Port 2: WINDAQ remote start/stop
Port 3: Rate input
Port 4: Count input
Digital Ports Programmed as a Switch
Maximum drain voltage: 25 V
Maximum sink current: 100 mA
Count/Rate/Digital Inputs
Internal pull-up value: 4.7 kΩ
Input high voltage threshold: 2.4 V
Input low voltage threshold: 0.8 V
Terminal count: 65,535
Maximum rate frequency: 50 KHz with one enabled channel
20 KHz with 2-4 enabled channels
10 KHz with 5-7 enabled channels
Minimum rate frequency: 0.5 Hz
Maximum count frequency: 50 kHz
ADC Characteristics
Resolution: 12 to 16-bit 
Above zero ADC counts: 2,047 to 32,767
Below zero ADC counts: 2,048 to 32,768
Maximum sample throughput rate: Standard: 160 kHz
Stand-alone: 20 kHz to 160 kHz (dependent on flash memory)
Minimum sample throughput: Standard: 20 Hz (2.2 samples per hour with WinDaq)
Stand-alone: 0.0017 Hz
Sample rate timing accuracy: 100 ppm
USB ChannelStretch™ Operation
Maximum number of units: 16
Maximum channel count: 128 analogue, 112 digital
Maximum supported throughput: ≥480 kHz (higher speeds may result in data loss)
Channel Skew between any 2 units 10 μS, typical
Synchronization conditions: Syncs with any combination of DI-4730, DI-4108, DI-4208, and DI-4718B USB instruments.
All synced instruments must operate at the same sample rate per channel, regardless of channel number, type, or range.
All instruments must be connected to the same USB controller. The use of USB hubs are recommended to meet this requirement.
Ethernet ChannelStretch™ Operation
Maximum number of units: 16
Maximum channel count: 128 analogue, 112 digital
Maximum supported throughput: ≥50 kHz (higher speeds may result in data loss)
Channel Skew between any 2 units 100 μS, typical
Synchronization conditions: Syncs with any combination of DI-4730, DI-4108, DI-4208, and DI-4718B Ethernet instruments.
For most accurate synchronization, all instruments should be connected to the same Ethernet switch.
Indicators and Connections
USB Interface: USB 2.0 (mini-B style connector)
Button: Multi-function control (Start, Stop, Save Configuration, Apply Configuration)
Indicator light: One Multi-colour LED for status indication
Input Connections: Two 16-position terminal strips
USB A Connector (Drive): Cannot be used concurrently with the USB interface
USB port for stand-alone data logging
Power Consumption: <1.0 Watt, via USB interface
Operating Temperature: 0 to 50 °C
Operating Humidity: 0 to 90% RH non-condensing
Storage Temperature: -20 to 60 °C
Storage Humidity: 0 to 90% non-condensing
Physical Characteristics
Enclosure: Aluminium based with Steel wrap-around with plastic bezels
Mounting: Desktop; bulkhead
Dimensions: 13.8D × 10.5W × 3.8H cm
Weight: 162 grams
DI-4108-M Specifications DI-4108-M Specifications

DI-4208-M Specifications DI-4208-M Specifications

DI-4108-M & DI-4208-M User Manual DI-4108-M & DI-4208-M User Manual

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