2-Channel CANopen Transmitter for strain gauges
2-Channel CANopen Transmitter for strain gauges. A universal data acquisition module for standard analogue strain gauge signals. The module is designed for strain gauge full bridge signals.
The bridge is powered via the transmitter which can be incorporated into your measuring lines. The analogue signal is sent via short connection lines to the μ where the data is digitalised and sent on via CAN-interface to a distributed logging station. Connection via M 12 circular connectors.
Product Features
- Strain gauge full bridge
- Voltage ± 30 mV
- Supply voltage 4.5 V
- Accuracy 0.2% (FS)
- Resolution 16-bit (1 µV)
- Sampling rate up to 1kHz
- Supply of the strain gauge full bridge
- Fieldbus CAN classic / CAN FD
- Protocol CANopen / CANopen FD / J1939